The Muskegon Chronicle from Muskegon, Michigan (2024)

0 00 0 CHRONICLE SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 2003 FRIDAY EVENING 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 Oprah Winfrey 1839 News News 0 News 4568 742 C3 655 Oprah Winfrey 30704 News 5075 News 33 9907 Cherub God Super Black Footsteps Pyramid Be a Mil- News News 0 News 0 lionaire 9384 03 7810 00 5556 1.0 7549 Judge Judge News News News Judy 0 Judy 0 6100 9926 6839 (2:00) Classic Arts Showcase 753704 Classic Montel Williams (N) Judge News News 10988 Judy 0 16278 Steve Har- Hughleys Steve Har- Hughleys Entertainvey 0 C0 03574 vey 0 1346 ment 4487 3rd Rock- That '70s Simpsons King of Simpsons Sun 24094 Show 20278 0 00 0082520 the Hill 0 C0 34471 Between Arthur CO Liberty's Zoom (N) Off the the Lions 452 (DVS) 636 Kids 0 9182 (El) 988 Record 29 What's Up I Married Loretta Y. News Amer. 402075 Joan 504487 799013 422839 Times 412452 Pokemon Yu-Gi-Oh! Bonanza 'The Jury" Sabrina A 06762742 00 06768926 2099094 6749891 Corner- Bishop Praise the Lord 0060100 stone Wallace 11520 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 Murder, She Wrote Murder, She Wrote 'The City "Broadway Malady' En 685471 Cemetery Vote" 787278 200839 (3:40) "Fahrenheit 451" (1967, Science Fiction) (:05) Julie Christie, Oskar Werner. 69879655 Paul Le Mat, Emer- Emer- Animal Animal Animals Rap City: Tha Bassment 180162 106 Arts (1998, Drama) Miguel Angel Sola. A Minds 0 (involved with his leading lady.

(Subtitled-English) 608704 "My Blue Hvn." 1312810 Presents Daily Sat. Night Closing Arg. 2084839 Catherine Crier 1773365 Profiler Sabrina Proud Boy World Sister, Proud Series 278891 Family 645029 Sister Family Price of Fame 635297 Robert Downey 737094 Martha Final Four Friday 448013 Horn Interrup- Sportscenter LPGA Golf 1291758 Sporting Fishing Drag State Club 7 Braceface So Little Videos Emeril Molto Sweet Chocolate Minute Bluetorch TV 466377 See This 54321 (N) NASCAR Buffy Friend Cram CO Family Family Pyramid Bonanza 4990618 Rifleman Rifleman Waltons Bargain Kitchen House Old Murders Murders Murders Murders Murders (1:00) "Blind Faith" 791742 Mad Nanny CO Golden Hey Hey U-Pick Sponge U-Pick La Femme Nikita 4100742 DiffWorld DiffWorld Cybill (3:45) "Witch Hunt" (1999) Jacqueline Bis- (:20) Jack "Still Warden. Crazy set, Cameron Daddo. 0 G311913346 Comedy) Bluetorch TV 1431617 See This 54321 (N) NASCAR X-Files 0 1325297 Knight Rider 0 2788346 Roswell NASCAR Classics (N) 2116346 Legends 1 (:15) "Lucas" (1986) Corey Haim.

71719094 Roseanne Drew Drew Home Home "Ivanhoe" (1952) Robert Taylor. 1887655 Storm Warning! 667075 Rivers-Death 785810 Queen-Killers Trading Spaces 366520 While You 904704 Hometime Real TV Real TV Real TV Real TV Real TV Pretender 0 00364162 X-Files 902346 Charmed Bravo Powerputt He-Man Dragon- Yu Great Great Great Homes Hanging Happy Happy Gidget Gidget Sanford PGA Golf BellSouth Classic Second Round. 850723 Texas "An Ideal Husband" (1999, Comedy) 2700568 Two Guys Fam. Mat. Fresh Cosby Fresh Home 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 (:15) (1970, Comedy) Donald Suther- Jessica (:15) Lundy.

land, Elliott Gould, Sally Kellerman. 'PG' E0 7053549 Binoche, Ralph "Wuthering Fiennes. Premiere. 0 'PG' 130346 ki, Diane Lane. (1992, Drama) Juliette "The "Johnny Be Good" (1988) Anthony Real Sports CE Michael Hall.

0 'R' 08587968 2251568 "The Experts" (1989, Comedy) John Uma "The Thurman. Truth About Travolta. 'PG-13' 0536926 (1996) (3:00) "Primal Fear. (:15) "Courage Under Fire' (1996, (1996) 'R' 33479617 4 Washington, Meg Ryan. 0.

'R' (3:30) "Kill Me Later' "Flatliners" (1990, Suspense) Kiefer (2001) 'R' D3 956907. Julia Roberts, Kevin Bacon. ITV. 'R' "Great (:20) City' (2000, Suspense). (5:50) Bils" Stacy Edwards.

'R' 0031090940 (1987) 'On TV 17C CBS 7 NBC 8 NBC 9 CBS 9 13 ABC 15 UPN 17 FOX 35 PBS 40 LOC 43 54 TBN AMC AP BET BRACOM CRT DISN ESPN ESPN FAM FOOD FSD FX GAME HALL HIST LIFE NICK OXYG PLEX PRIM SCIFI SPEE STAR TBS TCM TDC TLC TNN TNT TOON TRAV TVL USA WE WGN ENC HBO HB02 MAX MAX2 SHOW TMC APRIL 4, 2003 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 CBS Wheel of Jeopardy! Star Search (Live) 0 Hack "Signature" (N) 48 Hours Investigates 0 News 0 Late Show Evening Fortune 4704 (N) 891 8471 05907 CO 8094 7186162 (N) 33683433 NBC Wheel of Jeopardy! Most Talented Kid in Ed Carol makes a move to Law Order: Special News Tonight Nightly News Fortune 6704 (N) 2 2471 America 65988 win Ed back. (N) 0. 78452 Victims Unit 88839 5026278 18641013 Cross Daily Mass 3195810 World Over (Live) Life Holy Defending St Peter Carpenter History NBC Spin City Friends Most Talented Kid in Ed Carol makes a move to Law Order: Special News A Tonight Nightly News 0 CO 4346 0 America 69758 win Ed back. (N) 0. 76094 Victims Unit 0.

00 79181 CC 5017520 18649655 CBS Friends Raymond Star Search (Live) 0. CO Hack "Signature" (N) 48 Hours Investigates 0 News Late Show Evening 0 GO 3636 6075 37618 18094 CO 11181 5741742 (N) 68138162 Arts 11346 Anthony James 38452 Underground Videos Zilo TV 20487 Zilo TV 53618 ABC Wid Ent. Access America's Funniest 8 Simple Regular CC 60471 News Nightline News 8641 Tonight 5636 Hollywood Home Videos (N) E3 47520 Rules 32100 Joe (N) 0 3869810 27399365 Weakest News 5984 Fresh NBA Basketball Indiana Pacers at Detroit Pistons. From the Palace of. Friends Ask Rita Real Link 0.

2839 Prince 1723 Auburn Hills in Auburn Hills, Mich. (Live) 232297 0 CO 120926 (N) 39013 World 94162 That '70s Seinfeld Raymond Fastlane "Asslane (Vol. John Doe "Shock to the News (:35) Will Show 25723 0 00 0053164 21907 19)" (N) 0 87704 System" (N) 0. 00 82128 2438617 Frasier Grace CC, 4831094 Business Newshour With Jim Washing- Wall McLaugh- West Now With Bill Moyers (N) Kalama- Barbara Rpt. 181 Lehrer 03 2297 ton Week 6926 Street-For- lin Group Michigan A CO 1568 200-Arts 8742 47617 American Crime "Nicholas' (1998, Drama) Jamie Lee Curtis.

Parents Airforce News Family Enrichment 403704 Adv 786549 Strike (N) donate their dead son's organs to save others. 398433 1566907 575655 174075 TBA Experi- On the "The Trial of Old Drum" (2000, Drama) Randy Travis, Ron Diagnosis Murder "Sea Beat- News 6763471 ment 2090723 Spot (N) Periman, Bobby Edner. Premiere. 0 8860655 00 No Evil" 0 C8849162 Clock 7703636 3753839 Real Fam- Walking TCT Today Yes You Hour of Healing 98810 Praise the Lord 3 61278 lilies 53146 by Faith Can 98181 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Confidential CO American Justice "Danc- Expedition Egypt (N) Hauntings "Savannah" (N) Other World "UFOs: Third Watch "A Rock and ling, Drugs and 396075 C3 0316839 Aliens and Contact" (N) a Hard Place" 176433 "Strange Invaders" (1983, Science Fiction) to the Center of the Earth" (1959) Pat Boone. An expedi- (:40) "The Day the Earth Stood Nancy Allen.

'PG' 22 99552162 tion follows an explorer's trail to Earth's core. 'G' 94490568 Still" (1951) 'G' 11612623 Animals Crocodile Hunter 8948487 Animal Cops 8851907 Animal Precinct 8864471 Busted 8947758 Animal Cops 2138181 Park: BET's Top 10 Live 843177 NYLA "Beverly Hills Cop (1987) Premiere. Comicview 716636 Nightly Maad filmmaker becomes Profiles "John Travolta" CE of (1989) Michael J. Fox, Sean Penn. A soldier: "Glengarry Glen Ross" (1992) AI 166617 agonizes over reporting a rape-murder in Vietnam.

03 0437758 Pacino, Jack Lemmon. 550452 Late Night 8946029 Presents Presents Presents Presents Presents Comic Presents Presents Live 6061568 003712181 Holly- Cops Forensic Detec- Forensic Forensic System 2836758 NYPD Blue E3 6661907 Kim Pos- That's- Lizzie "George of the Jungle" (1997) Bren- Lizzie (:15) "George of the Jungle" (1997, Comedy) Brensible Raven 552365 275704 dan Fraser. 'PG' 3611452 6184384 dan Fraser, Leslie Mann. 'PG' 0059908758 Stewart 234617 News 353181 Price of Fame 442029 Price of Fame 359365 On 352452 Stern Stern (Live) 909723 NBA NBA Basketball Sacramento Kings at Boston Celtics. (Live) 294407 NBA Basketball 949510 Race Street HS Basketball 8045177 2002-Poker 1099097 Boxing Friday Night Fights.

(Live) 3406433 InterrupVideos 7th Heaven C402164 "Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment" 802920 Whose Whose 700 Club 350433 Martha Saras Contessa Emeril Live (N) 3102100 Cook's Ultimate Unwrapped 3192723 Emeril Live 3723461 Sports NHL Hockey Detroit Red Wings at Columbus Blue Jackets. 250181 Detroit Sports 399966 54321 Best-Sports 741742 Vampire 6292742 Buffy Vampire 3177758 NASCAR Racing Winston Cup Series Aaron's 499 Qualifying. 9968471 Street Magic 8768365 Match Win, Lose Love Whammy WinTu- Lingo Match Friend Russian Cram CO Newlywed 3762075 "Swiss Family Robinson" (1960) John Mills. Premiere. 7122655 "Flight of the (1986) 3344574 Land- ExtrmHm House Flea Mar- Collector Mission Mission Designing Designing Flea MarCollector Murders Modern Marvels 7354568 Hist.

Mysteries 7330988 The Most 7343452 Modern Marvels 7353839 This Week-Hist 8461711 Golden Unsolved Mysteries Final Justice (N) 507538 "The Killing Secret' (1997) Ari Meyers. 357015 Golden Golden A Rocket Hey Rugrats Sponge Jimmy Oddpar- Oddpar- Cosby Cosby Wings Wings Cybill CO Oprah Girls-Bad- "Dr. the Women" (2000, Comedy) Richard Gere. 8866758 Oprah Show 8760723 Like a Fox" (1987, Night Gallery A witch Avengers "The Murder "Trial: The Price of between (1992, his two Drama) murder Peter cases. Strauss, 0 Beverly 19941704 D'Angelo, Ned 87362075 seeks a new body.

3108384 Market' 3184704 Beatty. A lawyer suspects a link See This FOX One 54321 Best Damn Sports Show Period (Live) 2757297 NASCAR 54321 Best-Sports 2089384 0 4695636 Dead Zone 7594687 Tracker 0 0 5594407 Tremors: Series 5699051 Scare Scare Tremors: Series 3941520 NASCAR Trackside 3193452 Auto Racing ASA Series. From Lakeland, Fla. 3180988 Formula One 3192723 Wind Tunnel 3723461 "Fierce Creatures' 0 3030433 On the "I Am Sam" (2001) Sean Penn. 44479094 (:15) "Unbreakable" (2000) 0 0 084890029 Seinfeld Friends MLB Baseball Florida Marlins at Atlanta Braves.

From Turner Field in Atlanta. 226704 Seinfeld 'Assassins' (PA) 1270015 Adventures of Robin Hood" 3076075. 'The Black Stallion' (1979) 3071520 "The Bad and the Beautiful" (1952) 4182346 Deadliest Job 498487 To Be Announced 301907 Haunting in Connecticut 304094 To Be Announced 1813651 208471 Hometime Cracking the Case While You 671592 While You Out 576948 Faking It (N) 326425 While You 873520 Real TV Blind Date Blind Date! Star Trek Gen. 976164 Star Trek Gen. 376920 Star Trek Gen.

621097 Real TV CO Real TV 905568 Law Order 23 776966 "Space Cowboys" (2000) Clint Eastwood. Premiere. 717926 "Space Cowboys" (2000) 798891 Rurouni Code- Ed, Edd Scooby- Courage- Dexter's Grim-Evil Code- Time Scooby- Top Hotels 7352100 Great Great Best Big Easy 7358384 Mardi Gras 7351471 Great Great Loose 3762075 Sanford Leave Andy Grif- Brady Happy Sanford Gilligan Andy Grif- Leave I Love Flying JAG 0 C3 950297 "Rudy: The Rudy Giuliani Story' (2003) 930433 Monk 959568 Law Order CI 716075 Ranger 840471 Two Guys Felicity 0 5794605 Single in L.A. 3794425 "The Big Chill" (1983) Tom Berenger. Premiere.

3504029 Smokey I Will MLB Baseball Chicago Cubs at Cincinnati Reds. (Live) 939452 News 0 CC 185742 Rockford Files 415520 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 "RocketMan" (1997, Comedy) Harland Williams, "Little Nicky' (2000, Comedy) Adam (:35) 1970s "Casino" Las (1995) Vegas. Robert 'R' De Niro. 054510568 A mob employee makes a 'PG' ME 86233926 20 Sandler. 0 'PG-13' C0 2319655 play for power in Leelee Sobies- "Behind Enemy Lines" (2001, Action) Owen Wilson, Wire "Old Cases" Arliss Real Time Glass House" C3 Gene Hackman.

'PG-13' 03 770013 759520 C0 858654 871742 (2001, Suspense) 'PG-13' 775568 "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective" (1994) Leg- (2001, Comedy) David (:15) "A Better 0 Way 'R' to 03 Die" 79044029 (2000, Drama) Andre Jim Carrey. 'PG-13' 03737669 endary Duchovny. 'PG-13' F1 48363365 Braugher, Scott Wiper. (:15) "Pulp Fiction" (1994, Drama) John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson.

Criminals "Not Another Teen 'R' Movie" 257907 (2001, Com- Ever Best 630181 Sex Cats 'PG-13' Dogs' 5575384) cross paths in three interlocked tales of mayhem. 'R' 098917461 edy) Chyler Leigh. Drama) Denzel (:15) "Joy (2001) Steve Zahn. Two brothers Edward "Death Norton. to 0 'R' Smoochy' 009618549 (2002, Comedy) Robin Williams, (2001) (10:50) 'R' "Virtual 86753839 Vegas" incur the wrath of a psychotic truck driver.

20321920 Sutherland, "Rat Race" (2001, Comedy) Rowan Atkinson, John: Dern. ITV "Focus" Premiere. (2001, 0 'PG-13' Drama) William 946094 H. Macy, Laura: 200704 Penn Business Family 195433 Cleese. (TV.

'PG-13' 03 727181 Gate" (:15) (1997) Tobey Maguire. Friends out for we Ellen Burstyn. "Requiem 0 'R' for a 031173088 Dream" 4 (2000) 1 Stacy (:45) Edwards. "Mexico 'R' (7371297 (2000, Suspense) 'PG-13' (kicks steal a sultry assassin's oar. 'R' 0084318433.

The Muskegon Chronicle from Muskegon, Michigan (2024)
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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.